
BLOCK Pure UV Disinfectants for the Intensive Care Unit in Zambia

We participated in the equipment of the intensive care unit in Zambia together with other companies from the Czech Republic.


Laboratories for Synthon Blansko

This year, BLOCK® Group completed the construction of the Laboratory Building for Synthon s.r.o. in Blansko, which also included the delivery of our isolators.


Swiss Cleanroom Community Event

Am 5. Juli 2021 haben wir am 20. Swiss Cleanroom Community Event in Pratteln, Schweiz, teilgenommen.


30th anniversary BLOCK® Group

The BLOCK® Group, which we are a member, celebrated its 30th anniversary this June.


Weighing Isolator

Look at our new presentation of the Weighing Isolator, which is suitable for work with API / HAPI and for protection of personnel.
